numerology: an introduction

Numerology: An Introduction

What is Numerology? Numerology is the use of numbers and number combinations in divination. Numerology is often used as part of psychic readings; however, it is a science that can help you understand yourself and others and, for me, it is a lot like astrology where, instead of a birth chart, you have your own number calculations which help you …

connect with your angel guides

How to Connect with your Angel Guides

If you’ve been wondering why you should connect with your angel guides, this article can help you. Everyone is believed to have a guardian angel, no matter what your religious beliefs. There have been various accounts throughout history of people seeing angels. One of the most famous was during World War 1 when several British and German soldiers shared accounts …

stand up for yourself

Stand up for Yourself

I found this post that I originally posted some years ago on an old blog I used to have. I felt it was relevant to this website and thought I would share it asĀ it is an excellent example of just how important mindset is, not only for helping us to achieve our goals, but how it can affect your health …

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