Reflective journaling is more than just jotting down daily events. It’s about introspection, understanding our thoughts, emotions, and actions on a profound level. By reflecting on our experiences, we gain insights into our inner world, uncover hidden obstacles, and identify patterns that may be holding us back. M-Oceanal Synergy Coaching: A New Perspective on Overcoming Obstacles M-Oceanal Synergy Coaching, our …
The Subconscious and Unconscious Mind: What’s the Difference?
The human mind is a complex and fascinating entity that consists of various layers and processes. Two terms often used interchangeably but with subtle differences are the subconscious and unconscious mind. In this blog post, we will explore these concepts, delve into their characteristics and functions, and study their significance in personal development. We will also provide practical tips and …
Parts Therapy: A Guide for Individuals Seeking Personal Growth and Self-Healing
In our journey of personal growth and self-healing, we often come across various challenges and issues that hinder our progress. Whether it’s battling self-doubt, overcoming trauma, or managing conflicting emotions, these internal struggles can be overwhelming. This is where parts therapy, a powerful therapeutic approach, can assist individuals in addressing their personal issues and finding lasting solutions. In this blog …
How to Heal Your Inner Child: A Comprehensive Guide to Inner Healing and Self-Growth
Healing your inner child is a powerful journey towards emotional and psychological growth, allowing you to overcome past traumas, build healthier relationships, and nurture self-compassion. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the concept of inner child healing, offering step-by-step instructions, practical tips, and actionable advice to help you effectively heal your inner child. Join us on this transformative journey …
How to Start Journaling: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide
If you want to know how to start journaling, this post is for you… Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and creativity. In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we will explore the benefits of journaling, practical tips on how to get started, suggestions on journal types and writing materials, prompts and techniques to inspire your writing, guidance on …
Trust Your Intuition
You might be wondering what intuition has got to do with soul wellness. The answer is…a hell of a lot! Intuition is a natural ability that we all have, although some have it stronger than others. As with a lot of innate characteristics, this can be put down to survival. When we were cavemen and women ,we needed to protect …
Intuitive Tarot Reading
Isn’t tarot just for psychics? You don’t have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in tune with your intuition. What do we mean by intuition? Well, it is a gut feeling we get regardless of the logistics of a particular situation. Intuition lets us know when something is wrong when all appears right. …
The Higher Self Explained
What is a Higher Self? Are we just a body with a personality? – If you have been following us for a while, you will know we don’t believe that! Here at Soulminded Wellness, we believe that we are spiritual beings living in a human body. We also believe that this spirit has been and will be reincarnated into different …
5 Ways to Strengthen your Intuition
What is Intuition? Intuition is a tool that all of us have. Some people suggest that it’s a mystical power. Others would suggest that it’s merely our subconscious trying to tell us something. Regardless of the source, we all have that little voice that tries to tell us things from time to time. I believe that our intuition is guidance …
How to Connect with your Angel Guides
If you’ve been wondering why you should connect with your angel guides, this article can help you. Everyone is believed to have a guardian angel, no matter what your religious beliefs. There have been various accounts throughout history of people seeing angels. One of the most famous was during World War 1 when several British and German soldiers shared accounts …