intuitive tarot reading

Intuitive Tarot Reading

Isn’t tarot just for psychics? You don’t have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in tune with your intuition. What do we mean by intuition? Well, it is a gut feeling we get regardless of the logistics of a particular situation. Intuition lets us know when something is wrong when all appears right. …


What is Astrology?

Astrology Introduction Astrology is a complex art and science which applies symbolic meaning to astronomical information as it existed over two thousand years ago when the practice of astrology was first documented in writing by ancient astronomers and astrologers. Western astrologers use the ancient positions of the constellations and Sidereal (aka Vedic or Hindu) astrologers use current astronomical positions. The …

numerology: an introduction

Numerology: An Introduction

What is Numerology? Numerology is the use of numbers and number combinations in divination. Numerology is often used as part of psychic readings; however, it is a science that can help you understand yourself and others and, for me, it is a lot like astrology where, instead of a birth chart, you have your own number calculations which help you …