self-worth & Salary

Self-Worth & Salary – are you on the right track?

I was watching the news, the other morning, and there was a very interesting conversation on there about a potential link between salary and self-worth. Apparently, the more confidence someone has, especially in their appearance, the higher their salary. This was based on research which showed significant links between the two. I was thinking about it, over the past few …

Make Success Your Reality

How to Make Success your Reality

September – Time for Success! I love Autumn. The air changes and it brings back all those memories of going back to school which, at the time, wasn’t a great feeling but there was something about getting new books, new teachers and sometimes new friends that made this time of year feel exciting. Anything could happen! I still get that …

stand up for yourself

Stand up for Yourself

I found this post that I originally posted some years ago on an old blog I used to have. I felt it was relevant to this website and thought I would share it asĀ it is an excellent example of just how important mindset is, not only for helping us to achieve our goals, but how it can affect your health …