colour therapy

A Mini Guide to Colour Therapy

So, what is Colour Therapy and how can it help you? Colour therapy can be quite complex: While some Colour therapists use special coloured lights, and other contraptions, to help heal the body and soul, you can achieve similar effects by choosing to wear clothes and accessories in carefully selected colours. You can also use coloured crystals if you want …

self-hypnosis versus meditation

Meditation and Self-Hypnosis – Which is best?

Here at SoulMinded Wellness, we are all about the mind-body-spirit connection when it comes to our health and wellbeing. So, when we get asked to choose between meditation and self-hypnosis, it is a very difficult choice! It is a good idea when making comparisons to discuss the similarities and differences so we get a better idea of what they’re all …

Mindfulness Meditation

Concentration versus Mindfulness Meditation – which is best?

Why is Meditation a good thing to do?   According to Buddhism, a person can reach Nirvana or the highest state of enlightenment through participating in a regular meditation practice. Over time, many people have benefited from the practice of meditation. You may have heard the term, Mindfulness Meditation before, but did you know there was another main type? Meditation, …

intuitive tarot reading

Intuitive Tarot Reading

Isn’t tarot just for psychics? You don’t have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in tune with your intuition. What do we mean by intuition? Well, it is a gut feeling we get regardless of the logistics of a particular situation. Intuition lets us know when something is wrong when all appears right. …

psychosomatic illness

Psychosomatic Illness – Can it be cured?

Psychosomatic Illness and the Medical Profession If you’ve been diagnosed with a psychosomatic illness you probably feel a bit cheated, right? You know that you have the pain, the discomfort or sometimes even physical signs of illness, such as an itchy rash that won’t go away, so why are the doctors telling you that there is no physical explanation and …

The Higher Self explained

The Higher Self Explained

What is a Higher Self? Are we just a body with a personality?  – If you have been following us for a while, you will know we don’t believe that! Here at Soulminded Wellness, we believe that we are spiritual beings living in a human body. We also believe that this spirit has been and will be reincarnated into different …

Make Success Your Reality

How to Make Success your Reality

September – Time for Success! I love Autumn. The air changes and it brings back all those memories of going back to school which, at the time, wasn’t a great feeling but there was something about getting new books, new teachers and sometimes new friends that made this time of year feel exciting. Anything could happen! I still get that …

business success hypnotherapy

Business Success Hypnotherapy- is it for you?

What is Business Success Hypnotherapy? When people think of hypnotherapy they usually think about stopping smoking or weight loss but hypnotherapy can be used for so much more… One of the areas it can be extremely effective is in the area of business success. I have seen clients get amazing results and transformations from just one session… How does Business …