self-hypnosis versus meditation

Meditation and Self-Hypnosis – Which is best?

Here at SoulMinded Wellness, we are all about the mind-body-spirit connection when it comes to our health and wellbeing. So, when we get asked to choose between meditation and self-hypnosis, it is a very difficult choice! It is a good idea when making comparisons to discuss the similarities and differences so we get a better idea of what they’re all …

Mindfulness Meditation

Concentration versus Mindfulness Meditation – which is best?

Why is Meditation a good thing to do?   According to Buddhism, a person can reach Nirvana or the highest state of enlightenment through participating in a regular meditation practice. Over time, many people have benefited from the practice of meditation. You may have heard the term, Mindfulness Meditation before, but did you know there was another main type? Meditation, …