imposter syndrome

Identifying and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Everyday People

Have you ever found yourself doubting your achievements and feeling like a fraud, despite evidence of your competence? If so, you might be experiencing imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their abilities and have an internalized fear of being exposed as frauds or failures, even when they have achieved notable success. Imposter syndrome affects people …

limiting beliefs

Breaking Free: Find Your True Potential by Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Introduction In our journey towards personal growth and success, it is essential to recognize and eliminate the invisible chains that hold us back: limiting beliefs. These beliefs, often formed in our subconscious, can significantly hinder our ability to reach our full potential. However, armed with effective strategies and techniques, we can identify and eliminate these subconscious barriers, allowing us to …

psy cards

The Hidden Power of Psycards: How to Use Them to Tap into Your Inner Wisdom

What are Psycards? Psycards were created in 1998, by Nick Hobson, a psychologist and hypnotherapist, who was interested in the power of the subconscious mind. He based the cards on the work of Carl Jung, a famous psychologist who was interested in archetypes and how the subconsious mind uses symbols and imagery to communicate with us. Unlike tarot and some …

meditation tips for beginners

Meditation Tips for Beginners: 4 steps to a calmer you…

Meditation is one of the techniques often used for stress management, but nowadays people are doing it for the positive effects of maintaining health and wellbeing and connecting with their intuitive selves.  It is good to focus on the positive and a lot of medical professionals will agree that prevention is much better than cure when it comes to health …