psy cards

The Hidden Power of Psycards: How to Use Them to Tap into Your Inner Wisdom

What are Psycards?

Psycards were created in 1998, by Nick Hobson, a psychologist and hypnotherapist, who was interested in the power of the subconscious mind. He based the cards on the work of Carl Jung, a famous psychologist who was interested in archetypes and how the subconsious mind uses symbols and imagery to communicate with us.

Unlike tarot and some other oracle cards, the psycards were not created to be used as a divination tool and were designed to be used as a therapeutic tool based on psychology and the subconscious mind. As a psychology graduate and hypnotherapist myself, I love these cards. I have seen amazing results with everyone I have done readings for using them.

I use then as a coaching tool when I do life coaching and have found then to be a great alternative to hypnotherapy as a tool to identify what is going on deep under the surface in the subconscious mind. I have been able to help clients recognise their own limiting beliefs and subconsious blocks through these cards. I don’t know how it works, but every client I have used these cards with has picked exactly the right cards that relate to what is happening in their current situation. They have all been awestruck by how accurate they are. The best thing about these cards, though, is that they can help people get clarity on their situation and find ways for them to move forwards.

Ways you can use Psycards

  • Meditation: Psycards can be used to guide meditation sessions and help people to connect with their subconscious minds.
  • Decision-making: Psycards can be used to help people make difficult decisions by providing them with insights into their subconscious thoughts and feelings.
  • Problem-solving: Psycards can be used to help people to solve problems by providing them with new perspectives and solutions.
  • Personal growth: Psycards can be used to help people to grow and develop as individuals by providing them with insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

One of the things I love about psycards is that each reading is designed to work with the client’s own subconscious and, even if you know what the traditional meaning of the card is, the client may be getting a different intuitive download and that is perfectly fine. One example I would like to share is when I pulled a three-card reading for myself, when I got my first pack. I pulled out ‘the body’ and ‘the sun’. I can’t remember what the 3rd card was but those two cards stuck in my mind. If you are reading this now, you may have already come up with your own interpretation of body and sun.  A lot of people would associate these two cards with a holiday and getting a sun tan, but at the time I pulled those cards I was feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with so many conflicting responsibilites that I literally felt ‘burnt out’ and that is the meaning I took from them.

The beauty of this is that you can use these cards with a group of people as they will all get different meanings from the same set of cards and all you need to do is prompt them if they are struggling. If a client is having difficulty getting meanings I would let them know the traditional meaning of the card to help them and I also think it helps to pull at least 3 cards so the client can see the relationship between them.

I will be doing a psycard masterclass in my new membership group soon, so if you are interested you can join by clicking the link below. There is currently a special launch price of just £12 per month while the group is new. Click HERE for more information,

If you want to purchase your own pack of psy cards, just google ‘psy cards’ and you will see a range of retailers. I am unable to offer any suggestions as the shop I bought mine from has stopped selling them due to them being quite difficult to get hold of. Apparently, they are quite rare compared to other decks of intuitive cards.

If you would rather see what a psy card coaching session is like for yourself, you can book one with me by clicking HERE




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