clinical hypnotherapy

What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Clinical Hypnotherapy Explained… Clinical hypnotherapy (also known as Solution-focused hypnotherapy) is when a client is hypnotised by a professionally trained hypnotherapist, so that they can overcome any issues that are affecting them that can be helped by positive suggestions. In this type of hypnotherapy session, a client is not regressed back to any childhood or past life memories but, instead, …

past life therapy -waste of time?

Is Past Life Regression a Waste of Time?

A Past Life Regressionist’s views on Past Life Regression! As a professional hypnotherapist, trained in all aspects of hypnotherapy, I have come across people who turn their noses up at having past life regression. There are usually two types of people who do this. The first type doesn’t believe in reincarnation and so, that’s fair enough! If you don’t believe …

business clarity

How to Get Business Clarity the Intuitive Way

What is Business Clarity? Whether it’s the beginning of a new year or we’re half way through, you want it to be your best year ever! I’d like to recommend you take some time to really clarify your Purpose and Vision for your soul-led business. Clear purpose and vision are the keys to giving you a focus and direction. Unfortunately, …

Raise Your Vibration

15 Ways to Raise your Vibration

Why You Should Raise Your Vibration The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affects our emotions, thoughts and reactions. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity and health all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy. Energy can be low vibration, which is linked to emotions of anger, depression and apathy or high vibration, which …


What is Astrology?

Astrology Introduction Astrology is a complex art and science which applies symbolic meaning to astronomical information as it existed over two thousand years ago when the practice of astrology was first documented in writing by ancient astronomers and astrologers. Western astrologers use the ancient positions of the constellations and Sidereal (aka Vedic or Hindu) astrologers use current astronomical positions. The …

past life regression therapy

Past Life Regression Therapy – What’s it all about?

Past Life Regression Therapy   Past life regression therapy is when a professionally trained hypnotherapist regresses a client either deliberately or spontaneously into one or more past lives. This can happen whether you believe in past lives or not as all  past life regression hypnotherapy is about taking a client back to the cause of a current issue. This can …

Quantum Theory

Quantum Theory: The Science of Manifestation

Here at Soul Minded Wellness we love keeping up to date with all the latest science in the fields of psychology, hypnotherapy and spiritual wellbeing and it is always interesting to us when the science finally catches up with the woo-woo! Our latest Program, Quantum Alchemy, uses the power of quantum theory combined with the Law of Attraction and positive …

strengthen your intuition

5 Ways to Strengthen your Intuition

What is Intuition? Intuition is a tool that all of us have. Some people suggest that it’s a mystical power. Others would suggest that it’s merely our subconscious trying to tell us something. Regardless of the source, we all have that little voice that tries to tell us things from time to time. I believe that our intuition is guidance …