procrastinator types

Understanding Procrastinator Types: What type of procrastinator are you?

Procrastination is a universal phenomenon that affects people from all walks of life. Whether it’s delaying a task until the last minute or constantly deferring important goals, procrastination can leave us feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unaccomplished. However, by understanding the different procrastinator types and implementing effective strategies, we can overcome this habit and unlock our true potential. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various types of procrastinators and provide actionable insights to conquer procrastination once and for all.

1. The Perfectionist Procrastinator:

Perfectionist procrastinators tend to delay tasks because they fear failure or not meeting their own excessively high standards. Research shows that these individuals often struggle with self-doubt, chronic dissatisfaction, and a fear of being judged. To combat this procrastinator type, it’s essential to adjust your mindset and set realistic expectations. Focus on progress rather than perfection and remind yourself that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process.

2. The Overwhelmed Procrastinator:

Overwhelmed procrastinators find it difficult to prioritize tasks and often feel paralyzed by the sheer volume of work. This type is prone to information overload, stress, and inefficiency. To overcome this challenge, it’s crucial to adopt effective time management techniques. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, create to-do lists, and use productivity tools such as calendars or task management apps to stay organized and focused.

3. The Fearful Procrastinator:

Fearful procrastinators tend to delay tasks due to anxiety, fear of failure, or the inability to cope with uncertainty. Research suggests that individuals with high levels of fear of failure are more likely to procrastinate. To conquer this procrastinator type, it’s vital to address and gradually face your fears. Start with smaller, less intimidating tasks, reward yourself for completing them, and gradually work your way up to more challenging endeavors.

4. The Busy Procrastinator:

The busy procrastinator is constantly occupied with other activities, often using them as an excuse to postpone important tasks. These individuals may find themselves busy with low-priority items or constantly distracted by non-essential activities. Effective time management is key to combating this type of procrastination. Learn to differentiate between urgent and important tasks, set clear goals, and eliminate distractions by practicing focused work techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique.

5. The Indecisive Procrastinator:

Indecisive procrastinators struggle to make decisions, often fearing making the wrong choice or facing potential consequences. This type is prone to analysis paralysis and may spend excessive amounts of time gathering information before taking action. Overcoming this procrastinator type requires developing decision-making skills and trusting your judgment. Set clear deadlines for making decisions, weigh the pros and cons, seek advice from trusted sources, and accept that not all decisions will be perfect.


Procrastination can be a challenging habit to overcome, but by understanding the different procrastinator types and using tailored strategies, it’s possible to break the cycle. Remember, progress is more important than perfection. Identify your procrastinator type, implement the appropriate techniques, cultivate discipline, and be patient with yourself. With practice and determination, you can reclaim control of your time and achieve your goals. Start today, take small steps, and embrace the satisfaction that comes from overcoming procrastination.

If you have tried everything but you still can’t stop procrastinating, there may be something much deeper going on. We are experienced in helping clients overcome procrastination and other self-sabotaging habits using hypnotherapy and coaching. Look at our services page for more details.

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