If you want to start your own spiritual side hustle, you’re in the right place, so carry on reading!
Whether you want to use it to top up your wages ,from your main job or go full time in your business, the principles of getting started are the same.
First, you will need to identify your niche. What sort of business are you drawn to? There are all sorts of spiritual entrepreneurs from Life Coaches to Psychic Mediums and yoga teachers to colour therapists.
What about you? What are your gifts? Let’s find out…
Your Spiritual Skills Audit
The first thing is to decide what you want to focus on. What aspects of personal or spiritual development are you interested in? Most of you will likely have a burning passion and so feel free to skip this bit, but if you know you want to start a spiritual side hustle to help you cope with the increasing costs of inflation but you’re unsure what direction to follow, this will help…
I would grab a journal or you can use online software, like Trello, to create a mind map. It is best to let your intuition guide you with this, so relax, and write whatever comes into your head. You can use the following journal prompts to help get your juices flowing.
Journal Prompts
- What did I love to do as a child?
- What would I do even if I didn’t get paid for it?
- Is there anything that people ask me to do for them?
- What questions do people ask me?
- What hobbies do I enjoy?
- Do I love indoors our outdoors?
- What sort of people do I enjoy working with?
- What sort of environments do I enjoy working in?
- What is my current spiritual journey?
- What do I feel drawn to doing?
- What am I good at?
- What are my natural skills?
You can add your own to this list, and hopefully, once you get started you won’t need to use the prompts as they are just a guide to help your intuition work through you. Your higher self knows what it is that you chose to do in this lifetime and he or she also knows how to nudge you in this direction. My guess is that if you are reading this post then you were meant to read it!
Hopefully, you will now have a clearer idea of what it is you can do to get started. This is important because if you don’t know where you’re going then how are you ever going to get there?
Next, you will decide how you’re going to run this business. You can do this by creating a business plan. But, don’t worry, I’ve only ever used one ‘official’ business plan in my years of being in business and that was for my very first business when I needed a business loan to get started. Most spiritual entrepreneurs will not need to do an official plan. You can use the following instead…
Design your Business
Instead of spending hours putting together sales forecasts and all of that other stuff most of us find boring, you can create your business intentions and goals. If you are reading this, you will most probably be familiar with manifestation and intention- setting but if you aren’t I have other articles on this you can read. Here is one you might find useful – Intention Setting
You will use this intention setting process to draft out your main goals for your business, why you chose those goals and ideas for how you will achieve them. You can use SMART goals if you want and you can even draft an official business plan if you are that way inclined but you do need some sort of foundation for your business.
An example of this would be if you wanted to start a side hustle doing astrology reports for clients. Your business intentions could be to attract 5 paying clients a week, paying you $100 per report, giving you $2000 per month income. It doesn’t have to be any more involved than this. You can doodle some ideas for your brand and business name and that’s it! You have created your business idea and know what you will be doing, All you need to do now is get the word out!
Marketing your Spiritual Business
Again, what do you feel intuitively? I have realised, over the years, that what works for one person doesn’t always work for other people and I have attracted more paying clients by using my intuition.
Having said this, you might want to go down the traditional advertising routes, when you first start out. You could do this by advertising in your local paper if you want to work with local clients, you could even do a press release for them. Maybe you have followers on social media you can market to and, if not, why not create an account on a social media platform you feel drawn to that you know your target audience is using. You could also use paid ads on the social media platforms, but I would always get some more training on this first as it can be expensive if you don’t know what you are doing!
My advice is to work out who your ideal client is first and write social media posts that speak to that person. Look at competitor’s websites to see their branding and how they are marketing to their audience. Big names have likely paid thousands of pounds to branding and marketing experts so you can learn from them. It is up to you, though, how you want to come across and I believe that you will be more successful if you are guided by your intuition and you show your real, true authentic self.
Are you still struggling to get started? Why not join my new affordable membership community…
We have classes, live coaching calls and other resources to help you develop spiritually and share this experience with your own clients. Click HERE to join the wait list before we launch in September.