coaching grow model

How to use the GROW Model

Have you ever felt stuck in a particular area of your life? Whether it’s your career, relationships, or personal development, we all face challenges and obstacles that make us feel like we’re going round in circles. That’s where coaching comes in! Coaching is a powerful tool that helps us gain clarity and move forward, and one popular coaching model is the GROW model. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the GROW model is used in a typical coaching session.

G is for Goal…

Firstly, let’s dive into what the GROW model actually stands for. GROW stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. These four letters represent the four stages that a coach and client progress through during a coaching session.

The first stage, Goal, sets the foundation for the session. The coach helps the client identify their desired outcome or objective for the coaching session. It’s crucial to define a clear and specific goal to focus the coaching conversation. For example, the client might want to explore ways to enhance their leadership skills or find a more fulfilling career. By clearly defining the goal upfront, both the client and the coach can align their efforts and move towards a common target.

R is for Reality…

Next comes the Reality stage. Here, the coach helps the client gain a realistic understanding of their current situation. It involves exploring the client’s current reality and identifying any obstacles or challenges they may be facing. Encouraging honest self-reflection and assessment, the coach helps the client gain a deeper awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and resources. A detailed analysis of the client’s reality is critical since it provides a foundation for identifying potential areas of personal and professional growth. It is important, at this stage, that the client is totally honest with the coach, no matter how embarrassed they may feel about the state of their current situation.

A good coach will use a lot of open-ended questions to help identify what the client’s current situation is and how it may be affecting them in both positively and negatively. By understanding the client’s habits, routines, behaviours and so on, the coach will be able to use this information later when discussing action plans with the client.

O is for Options…

After gaining clarity on the current reality, the Options stage comes into play. Now it’s time for the coach to support the client in generating multiple possibilities and strategies to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. The coach asks powerful questions, encourages creative thinking, and helps the client explore alternative paths. Together, they brainstorm and evaluate different approaches and solutions. By examining various options, the client can expand their perspective and tap into their creativity, ultimately leading to finding the best solution or course of action.

It is important for clients to understand that the coach is not there to do things for them. Coaches can’t give advice or tell clients what they should do. A good coach will ask the right questions so that options will be things that the client thinks of themselves prompted by the coach’s questioning techniques. Coaches can offer suggestions but shouldn’t lead clients down one path.

W is for Will…

Finally, the Will stage emphasizes commitment and action. Here, the coach helps the client clarify their next steps and formulates a specific action plan. The coach holds the client accountable and supports them in setting realistic goals, defining milestones, and establishing a timeline. By breaking down the overall goal into manageable actions, the client can build momentum and stay focused on the path to success.

If a client has taken out a package or needs more than one session, a coach may provide homework, which are tasks that the coach and client both agree on as something that will help the client move closer towards their goals. This can be anything from making an important phone call to adjusting their daily routine slightly.


In conclusion, the GROW model is an effective coaching tool that helps individuals navigate their personal and professional journeys. By focusing on the Goal, Reality, Options, and Will stages, clients can gain clarity on their desired outcomes, understand their current reality, explore various possibilities, and formulate effective action plans. The GROW model provides coaches with a structured framework to guide their clients, leading to increased self-awareness, enhanced problem-solving skills, and ultimately, personal growth and success. So, if you’re feeling stuck, consider seeking the support of a coach who can guide you through the GROW model and empower you to achieve your goals.

If you are a coach, just starting out, this will be a useful framework for you to follow with your clients. In time, you will develop your own skill set and rely on this model less and less; however, a lot of traditional and life coaching programs still use this method today. If you want to do some self-coaching, you can use this model yourself by following it in your journal.

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