Christmas gratitude

It’s the season to be jolly

It might be the season of joy and goodwill but for a lot of people, Christmas can be one of the loneliest and most stressful times of the year. If you are one of those people, there are people who want to help you. There are plenty of helplines who can offer you advice or just a friendly chat. If you’re not sure where to start, your local medical centre or library is usually a great source of information.

If you are lucky enough to have a great social life, and the only stressful thing you’ve got on your mind is the hangover after all of those Christmas parties then why not think about doing something to help those less fortunate, even if it’s just donating a toy for the Christmas toy appeal or knocking on your elderly neighbour’s door to see if they need anything. Research has found that doing good things for others can actually make you feel good too and the saying it is better to give than receive is so true in so many ways!

As I’ve got older, I’ve realised that spending time with family and friends and making time for self care is so important at any time of the year, but this is so much more important at Christmas time as you need to calm yourself after those stressful shopping trips and enjoy the extra time you get with people you may only see a few times a year. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, I am sure that you may have other holidays and important dates that you celebrate?

So, this Christmas, if you are lucky enough to have family and friends to spend it with, appreciate every precious moment. Life is about love, happiness and connection and Christmas is the perfect time to connect with those you love and let your hair down for a few days.

We would like to wish all of our readers a Happy Christmas, may it be full of warmth and joy x0x0

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