hypnotherapy for trypophobia

Coping with Trypophobia: Helpful Strategies

Coping with trypophobia can be an endless battle – imagine feeling an intense wave of fear or disgust at the sight of seemingly harmless objects such as clusters of small holes or patterns. This deep-rooted aversion characterized by an overwhelming sense of unease is commonly known as trypophobia. While not yet recognized as a formal diagnosable condition, trypophobia is a …


Trypophobia: What it is and how to overcome it

You may have heard of Trypophobia before, perhaps through social media or conversations with friends. But what exactly is it? Trypophobia is an irrational and often extreme fear or disgust response triggered by specific patterns or images. These patterns typically consist of clustered holes, bumps, or shapes that resemble organic structures such as honeycombs, lotus seeds, or barnacle clusters. While …