Relationship Self Sabotage

Understanding Relationship Self-Sabotage:, Effects, and Ways to Overcome It

We all desire fulfilling and lasting relationships, but sometimes our own actions and behaviors can become obstacles in achieving this goal. Relationship self-sabotage is a common phenomenon that can hinder personal growth and prevent us from enjoying healthy connections with our partners. In this blog post, we will delve into the deep-rooted causes, detrimental effects, and effective strategies to overcome …

coaching or hypnotherapy?

Coaching vs. Hypnotherapy: Finding the Best Approach for Personal Growth

In today’s fast-paced world, individuals often seek guidance and support to overcome personal obstacles and achieve personal growth. Two popular methods that offer effective strategies for self-improvement are coaching and hypnotherapy. While both approaches aim to help individuals reach their goals, it’s important to understand the differences between them to determine which one is best suited for specific people and …

psy cards

The Hidden Power of Psycards: How to Use Them to Tap into Your Inner Wisdom

What are Psycards? Psycards were created in 1998, by Nick Hobson, a psychologist and hypnotherapist, who was interested in the power of the subconscious mind. He based the cards on the work of Carl Jung, a famous psychologist who was interested in archetypes and how the subconsious mind uses symbols and imagery to communicate with us. Unlike tarot and some …

Christmas gratitude

It’s the season to be jolly

It might be the season of joy and goodwill but for a lot of people, Christmas can be one of the loneliest and most stressful times of the year. If you are one of those people, there are people who want to help you. There are plenty of helplines who can offer you advice or just a friendly chat. If …

crystal healing - does it really work?

Crystal Healing – does it really work?

The world has changed a lot since the pandemic, with people becoming more and more interested in holistic health and wellness. Here at Soulminded Wellness, we love energy healing and crystals are one of our favourite ways to help us feel great in mind, body and spirit! There will always be skeptics though, and that’s fine, everyone is entitled to …

vibrational alignment and the law of attraction

Vibrational Alignment and The Law of Attraction

If you are interested in holistic health & wellness, you may have heard of the phrase ‘vibrational alignment’ but what exactly does it mean? Basically, everything is energy and this energy is made up of vibrating particles.  The Law of Attraction states that energy that vibrates at similar frequencies is attracted to each other. This is why we need to …